Pillar 1: Most of what you think you know is wrong

Pillar 1: Much of what you know or think you know is wrong.

So much of what we think or feel about things has been conditioned. Part of why we are so successful as a species is because we can learn through what others tell us. If someone tell us not to touch the live wire cable because we will receive a fatal electric shock, we don't have to touch the cable to believe them. Our own experiences shape how we view the world. A person whose partner has cheated on them may well believe future partners are more likely to cheat. It may not be the reality, but their thinking has been shaped and conditioned by what they've experienced, the ideas of others, the influence of friendships, what has been shared in the media and so on. The fact is, it becomes very difficult to view or see things with absolute clarity because of all the conditioning.

Look at this image below. We've taken screenshots of actual articles that have appeared in the press at various times and to highlight the point that we are influenced by a narrative around us here are a couple of examples:

Look at this Sunday Times feature on the 'Rich list'. Reflect on these questions and provide your answers in the comments section below:

  1. By recognising/publishing a list of those who have the most money, what are we being taught to value?
  2. If people who pay £1 million in tax got an MBE, what do you think this would do to tax contributions? Would it encourage more people to pay more tax or less?
  3. How does it feel generally, that we recognise and 'value' (by publicly declaring names on a list beside the word 'success') people like this?
  4. Why do you think there aren't any women on this list?

This is highly relevant when we are trying to answer questions about what we want to do next. So much of what we are lead to believe is shaped and guided by the social conditioning to which we have been exposed.


The aim with this quiz is to indicate YES or NO if you think the statement is a reflection of social conditioning. If you think it is then say YES. If however you DON'T think it reflects social conditioning and you believe it is a 'truth' over and above 'opinion' or what we are 'taught to believe' then indicate NO.

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